Liturgical Ministries

Any boy or girl who is in Grade 4 or beyond and has received First Communion is invited to become an altar server here at St. John's  

By attending training sessions these young people learn how to assist the priest and deacon while serving at Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Being an altar server brings the youth of the parish together and helps them to get to know one another. This is a wonderful opportunity for a child to actively participate in Sunday liturgy and begin ministry in the Church. This ministry which involves time, dedication, and commitment, stresses the importance of service and our Christian values.


An altar server's responsibilities usually begin 15 minutes before Mass.  Altar servers are responsible for the preparation of the sacred vessels, lighting candles, and any other items needed for the celebration of the Mass.  The assigned servers will lead the entrance and recessional processions and serve the priest throughout the Mass.  Altar servers are also responsible for cleanup of sacred vessels, extinguishing candles, and setup of sacred vessels before the next scheduled Mass; this normally takes about 10 minutes after Mass.


Parents and Godparents are asked to participate in this online Baptismal Registration Class.

Version en Espanol:

Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests and deacons in distributing Communion at Mass, to the sick, and to the homebound.

Those called to this ministry have an important role; their whole work involves taking in hand the Body and Blood of Christ and sharing the Eucharist with everyone who worships.


Please contact us if someone is unable to attend mass and would like to receive Communion and/or the Anointing of the Sick. Eucharistic Ministers bring communion on a regular basis to Golden Living Garden Place, Golden Living Attleboro, and Pleasant Street Rest Home. Mass and Communion Services are offered on a regular basis.


  • Selected by the Pastor and approved by the Bishop
  • Must have received all the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Eucharist, & Confirmation)
  • If married, must be in a valid Church marriage
  • Attend Sunday Mass
  • Devoted to the Eucharist



Each weekend, our volunteers welcome parishioners at Masses and often offer seasonal or special information or invitations.

The main goal of a greeter is to welcome visitors to the parish, help them "feel at home" during the worship service, and invite them back. We want everyone who comes to St. John's to feel welcomed!


-Friendly, warm, and welcoming individuals
-Attend liturgy on a regular basis
-Know our parishioners and can identify visitors to our church
-Eager to assist our visitors and answer questions they may have


If you are interested in being a part of this ministry and learning more, please contact the office at 508-222-1206

The Lectors are men and women, high school age or older, who are willing to help and to proclaim the readings at Mass and special services. 

One or two lectors are scheduled for each Mass.


A lector's responsibilities usually begin 15 minutes before Mass.  Lectors are responsible to review the readings of the day and the intercessions.  One may read the Mass Announcements and the other will process with the celebrant and servers and carry the Book of the Gospels.


If you are interested in being a part of this ministry and learning more, please contact the office or see Father Craig.

The Liturgy Committee is a group of parishioners who help in planning and evaluating the liturgical celebrations. 

Its goal is to enhance full participation of all through music, environment, hospitality, and education of liturgy.


If you are interested in being a part of this ministry and learning more, please contact the office at 508-222-1206


Sacristans are volunteers who help launder the small altar linens and altar robes on a rotating basis.


If you are interested in being a part of this ministry and learning more, please contact [email protected].

Ushers are parishioners who greet people, collect the offerings, and assist with seating if needed.​

**BRINGING UP OF THE GIFTS AT MASS:  If a mass is offered for a loved one and you and a family member, friend, etc., would like to bring up the gifts during the offertory, please see an usher before mass.


If you are interested in being a part of this ministry and learning more, please contact [email protected].

St. John The Evangelist Adult Choir

The St. John’s Adult Choir rehearses September-June on Thursdays, 7-9PM, typically sings each Sunday at the 10AM Mass, and also provides music on special occasions such as: Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and other special services.

If you are interested in joining, please contact Sheryl Walsh at [email protected].




Consolation Ministry

The death of a loved one is a shock, and planning a funeral can feel like a burden in a time of grief and stress. St John’s Consolation Ministry reaches out to bereaved families to offer comfort and practical help in planning a funeral for their loved ones. Members minister to grieving families in a variety of ways, including meeting with the family to help plan the funeral, attending and/or welcoming at the funeral mass, lectoring or distributing communion.

Members work closely with Fr. Pregana, the music ministry, funeral homes and office staff to make this process meaningful and confidential. (See “Planning a Funeral” under Resources on the parish website).

If you feel you might be called to this healing ministry, contact [email protected] and other members of the Ministry. We are happy to meet with you to discuss your questions and concerns, and you are welcome to be an observer until you feel comfortable on your own.

Mary Dupuis