All Masses are cancelled until further notice.
We would also like the Parishioners to know that even though Masses have been suspended until further notice, we are still keeping the doors of both churches open each day from 8AM to 7PM so the faithful may come and pray. We are blessed to have the Churches opened so we ask that everyone please leave room and give adequate space if others are also there to pray.
The office hours will remain available only for phone calls and email.
The Adoration Chapel is closed until further notice.
CANCELLED: All Religious Education classes (English & Spanish) are cancelled until further notice.
CANCELLED: St. John the Evangelist School is closed until May 1, 2020.
CANCELLED: Bishop Feehan High School is closed until MAY,1 2020.
CANCELLED: Confirmations and Confirmation Rehearsals for March 21st have been postponed until further notice (per Bishop da Cunha).
CANCELLED: St. John the Evangelist School Invitational Basketball Tournament is on hold until further notice.
**Please check back here or on our social media pages for the most up to date information regarding cancellations for our faith community**
Updates valid as of March 26th