Looking to Get Involved? Come Join Us!

The Body of Christ in Attleboro is not complete without you!

It's true. And though we're not all called to serve in the same way, nor have we all been given the same gifts, we are all truly called to find a deeper happiness in Christ and to use what gifts we do have for the glory of God. You have gifts. Come join us, find a home with us, and in serving God and our neighbors, come to know the love God has for you. After all, it's in giving that we receive, and in giving ourselves in service and love of others, we'll know better the love of God and truly become lovable ourselves.

Come join us. Get involved. Find a home with us and live out your calling in Christ!

St. John's has many ministries through which, as Christ's hands, feet and heart, we serve the community of Attleboro. Please click the links below:


Community Ministries    Liturgical Ministries


Ministry Directory